Our Oldest Cast Member - The Door
In every production of A DOLL'S HOUSE, there is a door. It's not an ordinary door, like you might find in other plays, that is just used for entries and exits. It is a symbol with an important contribution to the play. Almost like a member of our cast (albeit, with a single line - Slam! - which it delivers with panache and finality.)
Over the years (the play is 136 years old), the role of the door has been controversial. In fact, for the very first production of ADH, Henrik Ibsen, the playwright had to rewrite the ending which effectively removed the role of the door. He later regretted this change and reverted back to the original ending.
For the curious, read this review in the Guardian of a recent production of ADH.
When you come to see A DOLL'S HOUSE, you will see a beautiful set designed by Subashinee Krishnamurthy. The set was built by our awesome sets team many of who are in the photo below.
Adrian Booth, Namita Sathyan, Subashinee Krishnamurthy, Anjana Surin, Arun Agarwal, Sathish Shenoy