Cast Photo Shoot for FREE OUTGOING
The super talented Free Outgoing cast takes a break from the hectic pace of rehearsals to strike a pose for our dear friend and ace photographer Swagato Basumallick. Only, this kooky group has a hard time keeping a straight face. Here we are with our stellar stage managers.
Take Two.....Still laughing away.....
After several tries, Swagato succeeds in getting us to straighten up and look properly into the camera, and finally....
From left to right: Shiva Arunachalam, Prapti Oswal, Neil Vasant, Sindu Singh, Rohan Rangarajan, Pratish Shah, Basab Pradhan, Rashi Garg and Akshaya Ganesh
We can't stop smiling because we love this script, we love what we are doing and we are loving working together. Waiting eagerly to share this incredible story with our audiences starting December 3rd....
We'll be trickling out more photos on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram over the next few days. If you follow us on any of these channels you'll see some "action photos" of the actors in costume.
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