Temptation, Technology, Trustworthiness...
Neil Vasant plays Ramesh in FREE OUTGOING
Temptation, Technology, Trustworthiness...
Together they form the veritable thicket in which Ramesh, the middle-aged counter-hero finds himself in Anupama Chandrasekhar's commentary on the intersection of society and technology. How will he tackle and emerge from these pressures as the scenes of the play unfold? What is the underneath the gruff, caustic and slithery exterior that enrages everyone, most of all Sharan, the teenage son of Malini who sees right through him? Will he succumb or surprise? Whats the way out for him? (Playing Ramesh was a challenging discovery process to find the character underneath the tone deaf, complusive smart alec.) Come find out how his constant attempts to be relevant plays through the narrative of this fascinating drama!
- Neil Vasant