In Verse: Vikram Ramanarayanan on playing Mahadevappa
Vikram Ramanarayan
The Deluded Crusader
His story's one like many before him,
Wrongs he wants to right
Striking naysayers in his vim
To them he takes the fight!
Bastion of dharma he is he thinks
Tradition's guardian true,
But alas, in upholding this he sinks
Right into adharma's glue
"Women should stay at home you see
And men should walk about,
For that is how 'twas meant to be"
This he will rant and shout.
True Hindus must now take up arms
Against the infidels
And teach them soundly without qualms
These lessons that he tells
Does he realize that he doth cross
That oft-unnoticed line?
No, this stone's gathered so much moss
That he'll always decline
For he was raised to think that way
Unfortunately so,
So who's at fault when he does sway
Right into Satan's tow?
To him the scriptures are supreme
He'll swear by them always
But ask him what they truly scream
And his confidence frays.
The thing about a zealot, see
Is sometimes he is blind
To critical reason that may free
Him from this terrible bind.
- Vikram Ramanarayanan