Audition Notice for SOLITUDE | தனிமை


Audition Notice for SOLITUDE | தனிமை

Bay Area Drama Company invites you to audition for the first show of their 10th season:

SOLITUDE | தனிமை

Separate shows in English (8) and Tamil (4)

Written by Anand Raghav

Directed by Dilip Ratnam

Venue: Pear Theatre, Mountain View


Auditions: Aug 3 & 4 at 2980 Scott Blvd, Santa Clara

Run-throughs & Tech: Oct 5 – 17

Performances: Oct 18 – 27, 2024

Rehearsal & Performance Schedule

In-person rehearsals will be held at our rehearsal space in Santa Clara. We typically rehearse two days a week on weekday evenings and both weekend days. Some rehearsals in the beginning may be on Zoom.

Rehearsals will begin the week of Aug 10. To be considered for the cast of this play you must have very good availability from Aug 10 onwards and you must be available from Oct 1–27, when run-throughs, tech rehearsals and performances are scheduled.

All performances will be held at The Pear Theatre, Mountain View.

About the play

SOLITUDE | தனிமை is the funny, moving story of Mani, a lonely old man who finds the path to a joyful, full life. 

When he was young, Mani lived in a joint family and was always surrounded by his loud and intrusive family members. He longed for his privacy and some space. Finally, he left with his wife and made a life for himself in the city. Retired and widowed, Mani is now alone and depressed. The solitude that he craved as a young man, weighs him down. But then he makes a new friend who shows him how to live a meaningful life.


In-person auditions will be held on Aug 3 & 4, at our new rehearsal studio at 2980 Scott Blvd, Santa Clara. If you are interested in auditioning but are not available on these dates, please indicate this in the Audition Form below. At our discretion, we may be able to audition you separately.

Monologue auditions will be start at 1pm on Aug 3. Please come prepared with a two minute audition in English or Tamil, depending upon which show you are auditioning for. You may audition for both Tamil and English shows. Each auditionee will be given an individual slot for their monologue audition.  Auditionees who are successful in this stage of the audition will be invited to Callbacks, the afternoon of Aug 4.  At Callbacks, auditionees will read from the play’s script along with other auditionees.

The Callbacks on Aug 4 will start at 2 PM. This time is subject to change as we get closer to the audition day.

Actors who were in the cast of a recent BADCo production may come straight to Callbacks but they must still fill out the Audition Form.

[Audition Form submissions are now closed.]

Roles Available

The age range given against each role should be treated as guidance only. If you can credibly play the role, we will consider you. 

All roles are for actors who can play South Asian characters.

Here are the details of the roles available. All roles are to be cast for both the English and Tamil shows. Age guidance should be taken as “can play”. We also need 5 kids for limited or non-speaking roles from ages 5-15.

  • Mani (M, 60s) - the protagonist

  • Mani (M, 30s) - a younger Mani

  • Sekhar (M, 40s) - Mani’s cook

  • Seth-ji  (M, 50s) - a businessman, who seeks Mani’s help

  • Ravi (M, 29) - Mani’s son

  • Ragu (M, 40) - Mani’s friend

  • Swaminathan (M, 50+) - Mani’s uncle

  • Varadarajan (M, 50+) - Mani’s uncle

  • Shankar (M, 50+) - Mani’s uncle

  • Sumathy (F, 28) - Ravi’s wife

  • Priya (F, 12) - Ravi and Sumathy’s daughter

  • Godhai (F, 58) - Mani’s mother

  • Gomathi (F, 25) - Young Mani’s wife

  • Priya (F, 55) - a female professor who becomes Mani’s friend

  • Parvathi (F, 40) - Mani’s doctor

If you would like to be a part of the crew of SOLITUDE | தனிமை as part of the backstage or design teams, please write to us at

We are a non-union company. All roles are unpaid, volunteer positions.

For more information please reach out to us at

Basab Pradhan