"Don't Watch This Play!", Says Sindu Singh
Sindu Singh plays Malini in FREE OUTGOING. PC: Swagato Basumallick
I will say it.
Loud and clear.
For some of you, this play will be a complete waste of 90 minutes. Please DON'T watch it if any of the following applies to you.
It's NOT for you....if you are unconcerned with misogyny and patriarchy.
It's NOT for you...if women's rights are of no importance in your life.
It's NOT for you....if the recent slutshaming and cyberbullying-related suicides don't alarm you.
It's NOT for you...if feminism is a dirty word, a label you'd rather shun than embrace.
And it's DEFINITELY NOT for you if you are Steve Bannon, the President-elect's future Chief Strategist, whose Brietbart News published a story with the headline "The Solution to Online 'Harassment' is Simple: Women Should Log Off."
It IS however, a play for those among us who hope to change the status quo of double standards – one in which a girl's actions can bring utter social, emotional and financial ruin to her and her family simply because of her gender. One in which social media only hastens, nay, encourages, enables and amplifies said ruin.
Irony of ironies, our soon-to-be First Lady has chosen this issue as her signature cause to champion – she has vowed to take on cyberbullying because as she puts it 'Our culture has gotten too mean.'
So maybe this play IS for Melania Trump?? And maybe it IS for you!
– Sindu Singh, Producer & Lead Actor, Free Outgoing